Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games

Author : Jodie Lawton

I recently borrowed Mario And Sonic At The Olympics Games from a friend. I was a little bit skeptical about whether the game was going to be any good. My first thoughts were that the title of Mario And Sonic At The Olympics Games did sound very inspiring, and I thought that it was either going to be stupidly easy or too much hard work.

After playing for just half an hour, I got over my initial irritations and found the game to be exciting, competitive, active and surprisingly comprehensive.

Just to mention my small irritations at the beginning. I felt that the individual games took too long to load, and I got a bit frustrated that I couldn't get some of the Wii remote moves correct at the beginning. I soon overcame this as I got more used to the controls, and as you get into the competition spirit, you are bound to enjoy the scenes of being awarded medals and put on pedestals much more. The game soon transforms to a personal quest.

The most surprising part of the game for is how clever the graphics are. The quality of the story scenes when you see all of the different Nintendo characters in their glory are exceptional. You have to see it to believe it. If like me you are not very familiar with the Nintendo characters other than Mario and Sonic, then you will love meeting all of the Nintendo gang in this game. You will soon learn of their personalities and foibles, and figure out which avatars are best for specific Olympic Games.

When you first load up Mario And Sonic At The Olympics Games,you will be entertained by a 'movie trailer' tour of the "Beijing Olympic stadium" and a snapshot of all of the cool competitions that lie ahead.

I think that the best place to get started is in 'Single Match Mode' where you can play single games such as the Aquatics 100m Freestyle, Fencing, Shooting and more at beginners level. This will help to get your skill levels up and ready to take on the Circuits and Missions. You will notice lots of question mark boxes in the different events categories. This indicates that there are lots more games to unlock. You can unlock these by completing the Circuits (three events together) in 'Circuit mode'. You will need to gain 1st place and the gold trophy to win more games.

There is so much fun and exercise to be had with the different Olympic events. The game is really easy to use as there are on screen instructions for each event. You just have to master them! My favourite competition events so far are the trampoline, skeet and dream race. My favourite character and event combo is Dr. Eggman and the Triple Jump as he looks so utterly ridiculous with his long bandy legs!

Enjoy, but don't get too tired. Try combining active games such as track with more 'leisurely' events like Shot-put!

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